Corporate Relocation: Quality of Service

Or call one of our customer service representatives at 1‑833-591-0364.

Or call one of our customer service representatives at 1‑833-591-0364.

We pride ourselves as a corporate relocation company offering the highest quality of service for every move we handle, anywhere in the world. Our customers' needs are consistently met and their expectations exceeded with the superior quality service we provide from the pre-move planning until the final invoicing.

Corporate Relocation Measured in Real Results

Our commitment to quality service and total customer satisfaction extends far beyond just saying it. We measure the quality service we provide in real results. Our ultimate goal of "providing the highest quality service available anywhere" is achieved through our continual improvement initiatives. An independent third party performs a Quality of Service Audit (QSA) to measure our customer satisfaction via a telephone survey with Allied customers after their move.

Responses to the 14-question survey are calculated daily and posted online for Allied movers to view. Allied and its movers can see in which areas of customer service they are performing well and which areas can be improved upon. Through developing recognition, training and operational practices, we are constantly improving our quality service.

Quality of Service Audit

Allied's goal is to achieve sustained continuous improvement that yields an "excellent" rating with customers for quality of service. In 1998, the goal for an "excellent" rating was set at 4.35 on a 5.0 scale. Owing to the implementation of continuous improvement initiatives, the bar has been raised 4.45.

Corporate Relocation Company Dedicated to Quality Service

Allied is not only dedicated to offering you the best corporate relocation services, exceptional customer service and highly-trained professionals throughout your relocation; we are also committed to an overall superior quality relocation. Allied's Quality of Service Audit measures our success by providing real results regarding the quality service we provide during corporate relocations. This permits us to constantly adhere to the most stringent quality standards for every move we handle, making Allied your one source for the "highest quality service available anywhere."

From the pre-move plan to the final invoicing, benefit from Allied's exceptional quality service and expert Move Management for your employees' relocation. No detail will be overlooked and no question will go unanswered with Allied's dedicated corporate relocation service. Your employees will be informed and aware of the relocation throughout every stage of the move, and our quality assurance ensures a seamless, stress-free relocation experience.